
Friday, July 18, 2014

Discovering a Meaningful Life after San Quentin

This is the video of a man who ended up in the San Quentin prison after a violent life of crime. That's what our movies seem to celebrate. Few films talk about resolving problems sensibly.

What touched me in this video is the convicted man begging God for another chance. Sadly, those of us who give in to violent emotions do not think of the possible consequences.

The man in this video found relief through Christianity. I believe any religion can offer the same freedom.

Saturday, May 03, 2014

We Think We Think...Or Do We Really...?

Kamal Ravinath in his viral e-book "Love yourself like your life depended on it" suggests that most of us do not think. We only remember. We project memories and perceptions of our past experiences onto what is here now. In that sense original thinkers are rare.
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Friday, February 21, 2014

Weiderholung- The Power of Repitition

"I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times." Bruce Lee (at

One word that I took to heart after my German course at Goethe Insitut was this: Weiderholung (repitition). I wrote a few lines on it and made my first speech in German at the concluding session. The speech was about making anything possible through repitition.

In India, carnatic music students are expected to practise each kirtan (hymn metered in classical style in one or more of hundreds of ragas-specific tunes) atleast a 1000 times before achieving a reasonable degree of proficiency in it.

That is the power of repitition- your proficiency in one skill will win you more successes than being half skilled in many.
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